Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Five Things I Miss Doing

They’re actually just some simple things in life. And it’s not that I’m so busy that there isn’t any spare time for me. For one thing and other, I just seldom manage to find a chance to do these things lately.
  1. Drawing with crayons

Oh, I crave the coloring cramps. You know, when your fingers are stuck in the form of a claw after gripping the crayons for hours. And also the delightful smell of wax in the crayon. It always reminds me of my childhood years, when I was still obsessed about being a Disney’s cartoonist (hahaha..I miss those days).

  1. Reading a good book

I read a lot these days, alright. But none of the things I read are anyway entertaining. Actually they’re very dreadful and quite unbearable, if it wasn’t for the deadlines. I miss being lost inside a good read; holding my breath and at the same time eager to start a new page. I usually kept a list of books to read but now I just lost track of it.

  1. Impulsive Shopping

It’s my financial condition that stops me from doing this. And Bandung isn’t actually the place to shop, anyway. There isn’t much going on here, fashion-wise.

  1. Decorating my room

When I was still staying at my previous place, the wall of my room was covered with pictures and crafty things that I made. But now, let alone decorating, I barely have the time (and okay I admit it, the desire) to clean up my rooms on a regular basis.

  1. Cooking

Yes, I cook. . I usually cook when I’m at home during the holiday season. No gourmet or fine cuisine, I must admit (But not instant noodle and egg either) I like cooking meals that require a lot of steps in the making. And especially if they’re made of pasta. Made a lot of mess in the kitchen but the results were usually worth-while.


At 2:28 AM, Blogger [smet] said...

remember a few weeks back when u helped me with the sunday school project??? hehehe..you reminded me of how crayon are just wonderful! it ignites my serotonin like chocolates and cheese...:D

At 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ternyata lu suka masak?!?

Mungkin suatu hari nanti lu harus masakin gw sesuatu dan gw mencobanya..

-da*n, gw ga pede pake basa inggris..


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